Breaking News
Tuesday 24 February 2009

Info Post

Every time around the end of February, I come to realize that most of the plans and resolutions I made for the new year havn't been working out as greatly as I had hoped. To name one, updating my blog frequently. Sadly, I've spent the first two months of 2009 becoming almost brain-dead in retail, working 5/6 days a week for 9 hours a day. I wish I had invested all that time in developing myself and doing something I love. I wish I had more time to do inspiring things. I missed Margiela in Antwerp, I missed Vibskof in Eindhoven, I havn't gotten a chance to go to the Richard Avedon exposition. And it seems that there isn't going to be an end to this situation anytime soon, it is so depressing. uhhhgg, but I want money! I want more shoes! I want more clothes!(My wishlist is growing beyond control) I feel broke enough as it is, quitting one of my jobs would make it worse. And to pretend I am in a real crisis I invested in some nailpolish instead of new clothes to make voguish nails while trying to figure out some french, staring at Lara and feeling sorry for myself.


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