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Saturday 1 May 2010

Info Post




Everyone has their reason that they started scrapbooking. Some started because a friend invited them to a crop party and they loved the companion & fun. Other people  adore the beautiful papers and gizmos that the manufacturing companies are always surprising them with. Many people have been shutterbugs since they received their first camera and  they were just knee high to a grasshopper. They can take a thousand pictures in a week! (You should see me once I get going!)  Sometimes people start scrapbooking for a cause, such as ‘Crop for Kids’ or Crop for a Cure’. Once they see scrapbookers working together… they are hooked for life!

I started scrapbooking, a few years ago now, to save my life. I wasn’t physically dying, but emotionally & mentally I had hit rock bottom. I was a SAHM with four little children under the age of five and a half, I had my University degree in Arts/ language, and after my last child I got post-partum depression. How could this happen to me? I wrote books & articles.  I was an artist and I taught art classes on painting. I was a designer. I thought I had everything under control. I guess I didn’t. After feeling lost for a couples of months…. okay, half a year, I read a magazine on scrapbooking. A thought hit me….. maybe this could help me. I focused all my energy on the positive, and the beauty around me. By doing what I did best… being creative! It took hard work, but scrapbooking helped me greatly during that hard time in my life! I LUV how scrapbooking touches so many peoples lives and hearts!

So….. TO help CELERBRATE ‘{inter} national scrapbook’ day we our going to have a GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Just POST why you started scrapbooking. WHATEVER the reason and you could win a prize package with some of my favourite things!



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