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Thursday 5 August 2010

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       Jessica's Day Dream copyrighted© by Susan K.Weckesser

We took a wonderful walk in a gorgeous coulée that is not to far from our new house and I was so intrigued by all the wonderful photo ops  that were all around me. I felt like I was a kid in a candy store. Because I was dealing with different heights and textures I had to make sure that I positioned my self at different levels so that I could capture the atmosphere that I wanted in each picture. I love how I feel like I am right there in the photo with Jessica! You can feel the clouds right over your head.
 Have fun with the pictures that you take this summer. There are so many rich and vibrant colors around you. Try to look at things in different ways and see what you can come up with! Have fun with with the beauty of the world around you!


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