Breaking News
Sunday 17 October 2010

Info Post


Ashley Angel

So, I know that likely lots of scrapbookers have been doing this for a very long time, however the digital world of scrapbooking is really quite ‘new’ to me so I thought that I would give it a try… with baby steps! I have been looking at some peoples work and it amazes me what they can do with digital elements on there scrapbooking pages. It really is quite beautiful & it opens up a whole different artistic world. I have no problem editing photographs, so I though I would try to edit a scrapbook page. Maybe next time I will try to add some more digital elements, however I FIRST have to learn HOW to do that! :) I have always been a traditional scrapbooker, but I love all the beautiful digital graphics that are available & becoming easier to work with! Basic Grey is one Traditional scrapbooking company that offers some really awesome digital scrapbooking elements! If you Google the topic there are so many talented designers that sell or sometimes give away graphics, so give it try this week. Mix it in with your traditional styles and you just might like it!



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