Breaking News
Friday 3 December 2010

Info Post


At Christmas time I love receiving Christmas cards. It is so exciting to open a card and see who it from, read the news, and look at pictures to see how people have changed. I also love making and giving Christmas cards. As my children have grown it has become a tradition. We take a evening, or two where we sit down and work on a few cards to give to friends and neighbours. The cards usually aren't perfect, but they are full of personality and heart, not to mention that we had a lot of fun making together.

Well, we had our first Christmas Love give away the other day and I have to be honest, I really got so teary eyed reading the posts. I love hearing and reading how people touch other people lives. It is so fantastic! Thank-you so much for sharing with us and going the extra mile! Our winners are: Kate, Sandy, Edleen, & Sandy Ang. Could you please email me at to claim your prize.


Remember, we have giveaways going on until December 31,2010 and you can enter more then once! Spread the news and share some CHRISTMAS LOVE!!!!

Angel Pink 1

Angel Made by Sandy Ang.


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