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Saturday 8 January 2011

Info Post


Fly over the moon dry brush1

The last week I has reading people wonderful blog posts and comments on how they where choosing 'One Little Word' to help them focus and create goals for 2011. I love all the wonderful words that people have been deciding on. Their wonderful goal our so thought provoking and incredible. It really is a true testimony to me what a wonderful culture this 'Art Culture' is. So with this, I have been trying to decide on one word that i would like to incorporate in my life this year. After tossing around some thoughts and ideals I thought hit me. A word so simple and obvious, yet beautiful and encouraging. The word that I finally settled on was:


Believe that I can. Believe that I am loved and that I can love. Believe that anything is possibly and that I can make my dreams come true. Believe that through art and understanding anything is possible. Believe that 2011  is going to be a year to remember. Believe that it only takes one person to make a difference. Believe in myself.


I hope that everyone knows this in their heart. We are all so important. It is just hard sometimes to BELIEVE in ourselves., I know…but we can!

It is going to be a great year this year and I look forward to getting to know you all a little more and meeting with you.

I also want to thank everyone who took part of the CHRISTMAS LOVE CAMPAIGN!!!! It was such a BIG success! Our winners were announced on our Face Book page. Thank-you all our wonderful sponsors and thank-you for caring and spreading some extra LOVE this past Christmas. {hugs}

I will be offering classes this year and there still times available, so if you or your store is interested feel free to contact me.


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