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Thursday 10 March 2011

Info Post

paper pics

Today I am so full of different feelings!

I am so very excited because after months of creating and work I have sitting on my desk my very first paper line……. 'Live in Color'. I am so grateful for all the many people that have encouraged me, supported me, and said so many wonderful things. As an artist, a mom, a professional, and a perfectionist, I was very quite nervous about putting a piece of myself out in the world…..but, then again, isn't art a blessing that we should share. With all my articles that I have written and classes that I have taught over the years, a lot of them have emphasized the importance of art and scrapbooking as a tool for healing. So, three years ago this coming May, when my wonderful father passed away suddenly for cancer, I decided to take his advice and LIVE MY DREAMS!

Now that doesn't mean that I could just run away and join a circus, even though it was tempting! Being a Mom of four teens, and a wife to a very active fireman(sorry no moustache gals), meant that my dreams could be big and real, but practical. So, to make a long story short……I have put on a business hat , and a packaging hat too, which has been so awesome cause my family have been there with me. It has been so awesome to meet so many wonderful people and see so many neat things, like California and palm trees(yes,I never saw one before the end of January this year) and all it took was a DREAM and for me to believe in myself. I know that can be so hard some times. I know it is hard, I am actually really quite shy, ya I know…it is hard to believe! You  just have to never give up on yourself!

 Remember… are AWESOME!!!!!!!

So, my paper line is a mixture of my water colors and it is a tribute to Celebrating LIFE IN COLOR, because when I am sad, color makes me happy! Actually thinking about it…my Dad was Ukrainian, and when I was young we always bugged him because he always wore wild colors like orange and purple socks! (kinda like Donny Osmond!)

Over the next few weeks I will be showcasing work  that some designers have done with my paper. You can see the complete catalog on my website - Susiebee .

Thank-you again to all you……. my family, my friends, my co-workers, you wonderful people that put up with the silliness in my articles and my blog posts… I wish that I could put you all in a room and share lemon loaf, peppermint tea, and lots of hugs and laughter!

~ Susan

             birdie Loayout


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