Breaking News
Thursday 14 April 2011

Info Post

Canadian Scrapbooker Gang [from left: Sue Sykes, Me, Christy Riopel, Cathie Allen]

I am home from Kitchener, Ontario after having a BLAST at Scrapfest!!!!! I got to meet up with a whole bunch of  awesome people including some of the gals from Canadian Scrapbooker! ScrapFest_Kitch_2011_HomePage                               

20110414_895We even had a blast trying to find to show the first day…..poor Christy!!!! Thank Heavens for GPS. Cathie was Christy's co-pilot and oh my goodness did we laugh hard as we tried to find our way there!

Susan& Vicki

It was awesome to meet up & chat with super talented people. Poor Vicki Boutin, she was so patient with me though….I had a hard smiling properly after smiling all week-end!

The theme of the Crop was the Sixties….the whole peace & lava lamp thing. It was really cute how people decorated there tables.20110414_905   

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[I loved this table…It said make pages not war!]

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[Karen & Cathie having some fun!]

I had a chance to do some demos at Karen Ellis's Booth for her store The Art House! That is I tried to do a couple demonstrations, but things were super busy at the Canadian Scrapbooker booth! It was amazing how many awesome people were there, but I really wish that I had a twin that could have helped me cause gee whiz was I tired that evening! I was so happy to meet so many wonderful and talented people! Karen's store and the lovely ladies that helped her were awesome!!!!! You really have to check out her blog at The Art House Studio.

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On Saturday I taught a class and it was AWESOME!!!!!

These ladies were super talented and so much fun! Not to mention a couple of them actually knew the small village where I grew up in Ontario when I was little. I couldn't believe it!



          [Sue having a creative moment! I luv that gal!]20110414_920


Then I went off to Toronto for LOTS of meetings!!!


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…….Oh, and desert too!20110414_46

The Companies whose product I used for my class…. it was so awesome to see how people created things so differently and so beautifully! Thank-you!                     logo.74121942_std  


New Susisebee Studios Logo yes final





And then I took the bus back to the airport! Thank-you everyone for being so much fun! It was so fantastic to see everyone and to meet so many new creative friends! What an awesome trip!



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