Breaking News
Monday 23 May 2011

Info Post

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The last three years have been a challenge around here after the passing away of my Father in Law and my Dad….both of which died of cancer, and the last year my Mom got sick because she had a hard time dealing with my Dad's death. My Mom is young still, only 67, so when she broke her hip this past December it was really difficult to watch her go through all of this, but I am so grateful for all of my friends and family who have helped and all the kind words and encouragement. That support has helped me so much when some days I felt so lonely or sad… THANK-YOU! Thank-you to all of you for you kindness and 'virtual' hugs! Life can be so hard, that is why I am so grateful for art and the beauty of the world around me! What a AWESOME blessing! Remember…

Live to create~ Create to Live!

So I made this card for all of you…to say 'thank-you my friends.. .'




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