Breaking News
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Info Post


Creating ART can be so Liberating! It can make you feel so happy!!!!!



The winner for the

Random Contest 4

is Laurie Finch

By: Christmas Love Campaign

Laurie Finch Sent me some WONDERFUL PICTURES & told me about something really neat that see is doing! She organized an evening of card making with the results of our efforts being donated to a local senior's facility to be distributed to those residents who don't get a lot of visitors over the holidays. The local scrapbooking store generously offered a space and use of all her tools and supplies. 9 ladies participated and they crafted 70 cards!!
SO COOL!!!!! You Gals ROCK!!!!!! Thank-you for Spreading Christmas Love!

Laurie has won a wonderful box full of goodies from these awesome sponsors: 

     Print  OA Blinkie Fox 

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Guess What?

CHA 2012 is Coming! Not everyone can physically be there but now you can still be part of the fun and excitement!


Here’s your chance to see WHAT’S HOT in 2012,
new product releases and complete a progressive 6x6 mini book/art journal with amazing manufacturers and designers.


Exclusive 2-Day All Access Pass $39.00 (non-refundable) + Shipping*

Early Bird Price $34.00 (non-refundable) + Shipping*

* Online Event * Streaming Live * Watch from any internet connection*

January 29-30th, 2012 10am - 6pm PST
live streaming and chat
or watch the recorded footage whenever you like!

To register for this event, go to Charity .


Random Contest 5

Another prize give away is happening this week!!!! Craft a homemade gift for someone and show them some CHRISTMAS LOVE and you might end up with  so wonderful goodie from none other then Nikki Sivils!!!


Thank-you for all you do!!!! You really are all an inspiration to me!

Remember….YOU ROCK!!!

~ Susan


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