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Friday 6 January 2012

Info Post

Celebrate every hour (2)

It truly has been a week of celebrations. What a FANTASTIC way to start a NEW YEAR! We have had 3 birthdays this week. My younger brothers, who are twins celebrated there birthdays and today my third child , who is my 1st first girl turns 16. WOW! Where on earth does the time go!!! Ashley decided this week she wanted to have a party, and at first I was really kind of in a panic because it is always hard right after Christmas however I used some of Rhonna Designs to whip up a wonderful theme for her. I love it!celebrate

A Year To Follow Your Heart Printable Kit

A Year to Follow Your Heart ~ MyBook Printable Kit

A Year To Follow Your Heart Printable Kit

Jessica, my youngest helped me make the cupcakes that my mom always use to make me… Rainbow Jell-O. Always a favorite! 


Jessica also helped to make some cards.

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  Ummm…… She was being camera shy!



After, working on this, and a whole bunch of other things that I can't say yet , and having my heart so full of happiness, & spending a week of trying to decide what my one little word would be… I finally decided that the proper word for 2012 would be:


Time to Celebrate Life, To Celebrate Family, Celebrate all my BLESSINGS & my FAITH. I want to Celebrate my Friends & Students. What a wonderful time to CELEBRATE ART & COLOR, Images & Nature….. All the Beauty in the World around me. Celebrate all the SIMPLE & WONDERFUL things that truly inspire me and make me SMILE!

2012 is the year to CELEBRATE!

I hope that you can join me and CELEBRATE all the WONDERFUL things that are around you in your life!


Before I go, I wanted to tell you how touched I was by the response to the Christmas Love Campaign this year! Thank-you from the bottom of my heart!!! I am just finishing things up and the grand prize winner will be announced this week-end!

Have a beautiful day!



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