Breaking News
Thursday 8 March 2012

Info Post

Kids 2000 (2) film br2

I was actually helping my youngest last night with her science project when I got an email from my friend  Elena Lai Etcheverry of Charity Wings telling me that they were trying to raise some money :

"For the tornado victims across 10 states that need our help. We are trying to raise $1000 by the end of the week to send to Americares for ground relief efforts."

Not only was i touched by what Elena is trying to do… but it made me think back over my lifetime when I have needed people to assist our family or we have assisted others.

You see, my hubbie, Marcus is a Fire Fighter so we really have seen how things work and a lot of times my heart has broke for others but through the kindness of others, hearts do slowly mend.We also lived up in Northern Alberta for just over 14 years and every year we worried about forest fires. There were LOTS of close calls. I would watch as water bombers and helicopters would pick up water from the small creek behind our home. I dreaded every summer because not only did Marcus work shift work, but he was also a volunteer fireman for those 14 years. For a young mom with four very young children living a long way away from family… it was kind of hard. One late spring as the winds whipped up and the rain did not fall, my worst fear came try… A HUGE OUT OF CONTROL FOREST FIRE approached the town.Every year there were hundreds of little fires, but this was different. It was hundred of hectares wide and it was coming towards the town fast. The fire men couldn't get on top of it. After a couple of days my husband uttered words to me that I will never forget.He told my that the town was being evacuated & that everyone was to leave EXCEPT for the Emergency Workers.  Even as I type today, I get tears in my eyes as I remember my fear, my sadness, my anger, and my feeling of shock.I was only 27 and I had 4 young children under the age of 6, and 2 cats!!! I had a couple hours to pack them up with some clothes and drive…just drive! To leave without without my husband.The sky was so BLACK with smoke and the smell made my headache turn into a migraine.I was scared. I didn't really know where I was going and if I would see my husband, friends, or home again. So, I put my cats into bird cages, because that is all I had, loaded up my tearful kiddos, and head out onto the darker then night highway. Cars were pulled over into ditches everywhere and there was redness in the distance. I keep a prayer in my heart… mostly for those guys and gals, the emergency responders, back home. This was before DVD players, so I started singing Disney songs over the kitty cats meowing, and the kiddos fussing, and in about eight hours I made to my Mom and Dads. Needless to say… they were surprised to see such a motley crew!

In an about a week the winds shifted and the wonderful Fire crews were able to get things under control.

This world can be really hard sometimes, but it  is also really beautiful.It is wonderful to be able to help others when we are able to.

The picture I altered above is one that I took shortly after that event. I used some of Rhonna Designs to make it even more special for me.You can find Rhonna Farrer's cute Spring Circus kits HERE.

Just wanted to let you know that I will be over on the AWESOME Erika Taylor's blog tomorrow and I would love it if you came and said HELLO!!!  You can find Erika's blog HERE!

Oh, and sign ups are still going on for my TRUE SCRAP 3 class that you do not want to miss!


If you sign up for my class you will receive…Etsy coupon for ts3

Well, I hope you have a beautiful day!




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