Breaking News
Monday 28 May 2012

Info Post


So the Fall is going to be AWESOME!!! I am going to be traveling about Alberta this year doing several fun mixed media, scrapbooking, PanPastel, and fine art painting classes! I have even developed one brand new class that with have you turning your camera pictures into fine art that you will want to hang on your walls or give away as gifts! Super cool!!!! I will be with the Canadian Scrapbooker gals at the The Canadian Scrapbook Carnival during the week-end of October 20 in Calgary.

2012PIA logo

     In the beginning of September I will teaching a couple of fun classes at a Coast to Coast Event also in Calgary! You don't want to miss this one. All the talent at this show is AMAZING!!!

You can find out more information & get registration forms HERE .

For all of these classes, I will have super new and exciting product out that I have designed…I can't wait! I love seeing how people create with all the products! I also have online workshops coming this summer.Plus, I have 2 companies that I have partnered up with and you will be seeing their  design teams creating with my product lines! Super Cool! If you are a store or group and would like me to come and teach… I still have a few openings and I would love to spend some time with ya! It is going to be lots of colorful fun!


Hey, make sure to check out the new Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.Don't miss my fun article on using sewing materials with paper crafting! I simply adore all the other amazing articles and artwork in this issue too!  It is full of neat things for the summer time! So be sure to check it out!




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