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Friday 10 June 2011

Info Post

Cover of the soon to be out new Acne paper, the thickest issue ever.
Read the story and thoughts behind this issue's theme; youth.
In stores on July 5th.

Like a rebel with a cause, Acne was born 15 years ago to do things differently. With the motto “Discover how far you can go”, a group of idealistic young friends in Sweden joined forces to race together in the fashion and media arena. Free of conventional hierarchy but with a strong involvement in encouraging youths of different talents, artistic as well as industrious, acne became a platform for young people from various backgrounds to learn, grow and prosper. Because youthfulness and its many characteristics has in many ways been the very foundation of our company, we thought it was about time to dedicate an issue of Acne Paper to the subject of Youth.

While being young is one thing that most people are pretty good at, it is more unusual to be exceptionally good at something when you are very young. People who express great devotion to a creative practice from an early age was something we found interesting to address, and especially the young who breathe new life into old artisanal traditions. In a world of commerce, mass production, fast consuming culture and self-publicity, what does the future hold for fine arts and crafts? Are we slowly seeing the elimination of artistic skills that once were the fundaments of cultural life, or are we witnessing a reaction against this development with a new renaissance for old-world quality and refinement?

To shed light on these questions we have searched for young people from around the world who reinforce their chosen path with a fresh approach. What is it like being a young ballet dancer today, or a classical musician, a playwright, or a craftsman? Through interviews, documentary, photography, portraiture, biography, and fashion, our new issue celebrates many young talents, and also those who look upon youth from a creative point of view.

We have tried to broaden this horizon by studying the young from both an anthropological and scientific perspective. Questions such as how creativity work in a young versus an elderly mind; what mentors can teach protégés, and vice versa; what kind of impact our environment and also cultural differences have on traditions, past and present, all try to find answers throughout the current issue. It is our biggest edition to date: 256 pages. Within it we hope you will find beauty, energy, purity, confidence, idealism, creativity, boldness, vision, rebellion, and all of youth’s many attractive characteristics.


Source: Acne press release
Have to mention: today was my last day of class of my second year of journalism. I'm going to pretend I haven't learned anything and copied an entire press release. This would probably get me killed by my teachers. But this is the first magazine that I'm getting excited for to buy this year, so I just had to share. I can not wait to dive into those 256 pages of inspiration. For those who don't have an Acne store nearby and won't find Acne paper in their local bookshop, you can order Acne paper here


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