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Monday 25 July 2011

Info Post

Chicago dreams 

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to

Chicago last week for the CHA Summer Show. It was a very fun and HOT week!!! There was so many things to look at,  awesome people to meet and sightseeing too! 


 CK GalsimageKatharina Doyle & myself waiting for the subway!



Here is me with the wonderful girls from Creating Keepsakes.

20110725_150  I had a chance to play with some fun products and drool over some new products coming out!


                                                                                                                     Towbow Class

20110725_190I saw some wonderful creations! I so want to have an upside~down tree like the one that DCWV had except I can only imagine what my cats would do to it!


20110725_243Me and the talented Nikki Sivils20110725_172Crafty Margot Potter and I.

Some more fun Pictures at CHA

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20110725_162My Designer Table was fun to put up and gave me a chance to talk to a lot of neat people!         

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I had a lot of fun, but it was a lot of work and I really was glad to get back home to fresh Alberta air and cool mountain streams! I made some fantastic new friends and learnt some new crafty ideas! That is what I love to do……Live to Create!

Keep on Creating!



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