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Friday 7 December 2012

Info Post



So why the pictures of my colored ice….. well, I was putting this blog post together and my face is SO swollen from a little big of surgery that I had to have yesterday. When I came across these pictures that I took last winter… well, they looked SO inviting and refreshing and colorful…so I had to share them again!!! Which leads me to … COLOR! I LOVE color and PANTONE just announced … Drum roll please….

 PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR 2013 - Emerald 17-5641

PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR 2013 - Emerald 17-5641

What do you think of the color of the year?

Personally I think it is getting us back to those earthy tones that were popular in the late 70’s – early 80’s. I remember my mom always buying fabrics in warm earth tones and matching tweeds. I would complain because she would lovingly sew me slacks that would itch me something terrible. Oh children sometimes! I really do love the color though. Very inviting!

Down to Business

Tags of Love Contest Winner

Thank-you to everyone who took the time to be part of this fun Christmas Love Campaign contest. The winner is Linzie Head. Congratulations Linzie please email me at

Linzie made these cute tags! Aren’t they wonderful!

To see Rhonna Farrer’s winner please go and check out Rhonna’s wonderful blog HERE. Thank-you Rhonna for letting us be part of the fun!

Get READY for the NEXT Christmas Love Contest!!!


SO….. Here again are the Links for FACEBOOK.

Scrapbook & Cards Today         Christmas Love Campaign      Susan K. Weckesser - Medicine Hat

So have fun! And do something nice for that friend that is so AWESOME and always does something nice for someone else! Can’t wait to hear the stories!

Have a wonderful day!




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