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Monday 31 October 2011

Info Post


'What traditions do you and your family have?'

20111031_1   Last Night as we were decorating cookies to pixie, I discovered that we have a Halloween tradition. The kiddos knew about it….. but I didn't think of it as a tradition. If you are faint of heart, don't read on. We take perfectly good sugar cookies and decorate them to look like the have been injured or turned into zombies. I know… It is awful! I don't know why or when this started, but I know that we have fun doing it and then we deliver the cookies to random people. It is a night full of giggles all the time! 


We has so much fun putting the goodies into decorated bags and then pixieing them to random people! Love it! 6297048044_f1f69d594b

I made these bags using some of Rhonna Designs . Aren't they fun!

Have fun with your family this Halloween and make some of your own  traditions!

Have a SPoOKy time!



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