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Thursday 17 November 2011

Info Post


I have had so many clipboards come and go in this house. Plastic ones, board ones, ones with logos and even one taped together with duct tape….but , the one thing that they have in common is that they are all so handy to keep loose notes and lists in order. So, I decided to make my own fancy clipboard for the kitchen.


I printed off a digital background from Rhonna Designs. I adore the patterns from her Christmas Junque Background KitClipboard 2

Instead of printing the pattern on paper I printed it on sticky back linen paper.

clipboard 5

I then had so much fun layering up some beautiful embellishments from BoBunny.

clipboard 4

Ruffles, ruffles, and more ruffles!!!

To match up the color I spritzed them with some Tattered Angel Glimmer Mist ; Lily Pad & Sugar Plum Fairy. I also added a bit of  Tim Holtz's Distressed Ink  ~ Tea Dye.

clipboard 3

Too make the fun ruffles I took a piece of natural cotton and with a piece of thread I ran a row of stitches down one side.  I  then pulled the fabric along the thread. {you can make the ruffles as loose or  as tight as you wish .}

*Note: Heavy quilter's thread works the best  because it doesn't break as easy.

Saying Goodbye!

This  month has been very BUSY!  I realized once again that a Mom's job is never done……. but, I would never have it any other way!!!

I filled myself with vitamin c's , garlic, and lots of prayers as I got my son ready to leave our home to go on a two year mission. Christopher is my oldest of four children and yesterday he 'officially' began his mission. 

Elder Weckesser

A mother watches their child grow and change, succeed and fall, have good days and not such good days, but as they are growing up it truly is hard to imagine a day that you won't have that child right beside you. The last month as we have had so many friends and family visit and call and as we got Christopher ready, I reflected on the fact on how glad I was that I was an avid picture taker and document keeper! Even though it drives my family crazy most of the time! We have spent so much time giggling over photos and remembering times of bad hair and strange clothes. Not to mention now that he is gone having these pictures makes it feel like he is not gone at all!  {kind of}  So thank goodness for scrapbooking, and photography, and thank goodness for the wonderful blessing of being a mom in the first place even if my kiddos have given me a few extra grey hairs!

Have a wonderful day!



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