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Friday 25 November 2011

Info Post
noel journal page
"mixed media journal page created with Kuretake ZIG Memory Writers."
The Christmas Love Campaign has been running for three weeks now and I have been so amazed by the amount of people, manufactures, and magazines  that have come forth and have volunteered to donate prizes for me to give to crafters to do fantastic things for other people! I am also grateful for people helping me to get the word out …. I know I can be talkative, but it is hard sometimes to get heard all over the word!!!! I have to admit….sometimes it is tiring but them I here a heart touching story or see what someone has mode for someone else and I get ENERGIZED!!!
I was so thrilled to be able to do a guest blog post on Creating Keepsakes about a week ago to explain the Christmas Love Campaign and to explain why I started it.
What started Christmas Love Campaign?
The ‘CLC’ is a very dear event that I started three years ago shortly after losing my father to cancer.  My dad had lived a life of always doing kind things to ANYONE & EVERYONE. That Christmas season after his death was very lonely and very dad. I almost lost my creative spark because of my sadness. Because of his sudden death I felt very lost and I didn’t know what I could do to continue spreading his kindness and love that he showed and gave everyone.
One day at a scrapbooking crop I noticed how kind scrapbookers can be to each other even though most of the time they are total strangers. I noticed that even happens on the internet–crafters reaching out to other crafters with words of encouragement in hard times and even in good times. Shortly after this, I wrote a magazine article on a topic that was very important to me, entitled ‘Scrap Matters’. It talked about the awesome power of arts, crafts, and scrapbooking and I asked people how they brightened other people’s day by being creative? I saw the amazing gift that scrapbookers have and I wanted the world to feel that gift too!
You can read more about it on their blog here. Creating Keepsakes is one of the Christmas Love Campaigns Sponsors and they have donated three 1 year subscriptions to their wonderful magazine and 3 issues of the special issue that is out right now! image
This is so fun!!!!
I really love doing this! I love reading what people are doing for other people….. and then I LOVE to send out PRIZES!!!
Look what people have been doing!

''Made this card for my neighbour.. they have been so kind to us since we moved into our new house in our new neighbourhood... The sentiment is: "For you" written in Danish " ~ by Jane Henningsen

"I took some time out of my schedule today to run an "errand of an angel" to rescue a neighbour who is home bound and couldn't get to the store to get a certain beverage to help with feeling under the weather. I first had to sit down and put together a quick "tag within a tag" to let her know I was thinking of her. I might not have known she was in need of this simple errand of love if it hadn't been for a post she made on facebook. Modern technology is a great tool to use to help spread some love." ~Marylou Williams
Could Jane  and Marylou please email you have won a wonderful goodie box full of some wonderful things from Unity Stamps, October Afternoon, and Kuretake! Be sure to go to their Facebook page an tell them that you have been spreading some Christmas Love!
The winner of the paper trimmer from Westcott of the WONDERFUL Christmas Paper from Fancy Pants is Tasha Hart. Congratulations! Be sure to go give some love to those companies!
"Here is a Christmas tree ornament that I made for a few special people in my life!"~ Tasha Hart
Could all prize winners email me at susiebeestudios@gmail,com .
Thank-you to everyone who is getting involved and please feel free to enter as often as you want!
Tell you friends and family and even encourage your children.. It is so WONDERFUL when everyone is doing a little something nice for someone else!
Next Give away is THIS WEEK-end!!!!!!!
Topic: Anything paper crafting
Prize: 1 year subscription to Creating Keepsakes and their special issue!!!!
Have fun and I can't wait to see what you do to make someone's day a little brighter!


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