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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Info Post

Christmas Love Campaign Gift Weckesser

BIG {smile}!

Guess what starts today? Yup, the Christmas Love Campaign….. the 4th Christmas Love Campaign! How COOL is that!!!

My heart is so full of emotions as I type this because this world is so full of so many challenges and trials, BELIEVE me, I really do understand! I try to post uplifting thoughts & words all the time because I know we need that in are life, but the world’s challenges weigh heavy on my heart too just like all of us!

Last week as Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the United States there was a couple days where I didn’t know if my son, who is serving a two year mission over there, was safe. This had come just after learning that my mother, who is an amputee is now facing the double amputee of her legs. I felt let I had reached the limits….. of whatever limits I am suppose to humanly have! Not to mention my husband, has never been that understanding and compassionate, or huggy, and so when I turned to him in crisis mode last week I just got a very clinical & emergency services answer: ‘He chances are good.” Yes ladies, being married to a fireman really isn’t that hot! lol sandy weckesser

My son took this picture of a basket ball court. they were digging out the sand around it because of the homes that need access. 500+ missionaries have been helping dig out areas, cut up downed trees, clean up basements, and help people out.

At the current time Christopher is right on the waters edge and in my heart I knew he must be safe, but as the media images filled our home my fear began to build. I was so happy to get a phone call from another mother one night telling me that the missionaries had made it inland and she had taken them out for a warm meal. She was calling mothers to let them know that their sons were safe.

I will always be grateful to that lady for reaching out to me, a perfect stranger!

This world can be so hard….. Each day we are faced by natural disasters, family  crisis,  health issues, monetary problems, and day to day things that just seem to pop up. But, we can ease each other burdens just by reaching out and doing one little kind thing. It always amazes me that when someone seems to be having a horrible day, like that cashier at the grocery store, if you just take a second and smile at that person, and tell them to have a nice day…. well, most of the time, they won’t seem so grumpy anymore!

So PLEASE join in the Christmas Love Campaign!

It won’t take much of your time & you will be so glad you did!!!!


You can follow tweets, tweeters and twitterings by following hashtags #christmaslovecampaign #craftuplove . Please feel free to use those hashtags when talking about the Christmas Love Campaign and tell us what you are doing!

One of a Kind Winter {christmas campaign} 1

Plus when you purchase the little snowman that was made into a Unity Stamp… part of the proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of my Dad & father in law who passed away from Cancer and for everyone who has been effected by cancer. This is super cool. You can purchase the stamp at Unity Stamp Co. HERE!

There will be a contest later on in the campaign using the snowman stamps.

If you just want to make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society for under the Christmas Love Campaign event…you go HERE.


Find about all the information about the Campaign on the Susan K. Weckesser website …. HERE

There are so many AWESOME sponsors this year and so many still coming….. So that means we will have lots of random contests announced all the time during the campaign! How COOL is that!!!!

Check out all the sponsors HERE.

Be sure to check out the Christmas Love Campaign Face book page for all the news and happenings. As you Craft Up Some Love for others please take a photo and put it on the Christmas Love Campaign Face Book wall HERE! We what to see and hear what you are doing…because it puts a {smile} on everyone’s face!



November 6 – November 16, 2012

Start you engines and get out your tags!

Make some creative and whimsical tags........

Have fun!!!!

Then gift one or two or three to a neighbour, stranger, or anyone that looks like they need a little extra something special in their life! Take a picture of them and post them to the Christmas Love Campaign Face Book Wall or email the picture to

The Prize:

276409_121570594556936_4069079_nSome ‘AWESOME’ goodies from WESTCOTT!Slide1 (1)

So lets spread some love & some fun!!!




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