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Monday 26 July 2010

Info Post

I am sitting here today trying to work on deadlines and writing assignments. I must be honest with you,  when the weather is so lovely outside I really find it difficult to finish my tasks. So, I turned my thoughts to layouts that I had done in the past during the past. It has been a few years since I have done the above one but the reason why I scrapbook remains the same. To be creative, have fun, and share some wonderful stories & pictures. Scrapbooking and art can't be forced. You have to feel the creativeness, do the work, and enjoy it! With this I think of this quote by William Rose Benet (1886- 1950),

                "I like to think how Shakespeare pruned his rose,
                       And ate his pippin in his orchard close."

Take time this summer to do some scrapbooking, but make sure to love what you are doing and enjoy your summer!


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