Breaking News
Sunday 12 August 2012

Info Post
NIOS is an "Open School" to cater to the needs of a heterogeneous group of learners up to pre-degree level. It was started as a project with in-built flexibilities by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in 1979. In 1986, the National Policy on Education suggested strengthening of Open School System for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at secondary level all over the country as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to certification.
Consequently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India set up the National Open School (NOS) in November 1989. The pilot project of CBSE on Open School was amalgamated with NOS. Through a Resolution (No. F.5-24/90 Sch.3 dated 14 September 1990 published in the Gazette of India on 20 October 1990), the National Open School (NOS) was vested with the authority to register, examine and certify students registered with it up to pre-degree level courses. In July 2002, the Ministry of Human Resource Development amended the nomenclature of the organisation from the National Open School (NOS) to the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) with a mission to provide relevant continuing education at school stage, up to pre-degree level through Open Learning system to prioritized client groups as an alternative to formal system, in pursuance of the normative national policy documents and in response to the need assessments of the people, and through it to make its share of contribution:
  • To universalisation of education,
  • To greater equity and justice in society, and
  • To the evolution of a learning society.

Programme providing a elementary education at three levels, for school drop-outs and neo-literates, out of school learners through Accredited Agencies.
Under its "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)", the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has been endeavouring to provide Basic Education to all children, youth and adults in the country. The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has launched the Open Basic Education (OBE) Programme, as an alternative educational programme, equivalent to the Elementary Education Programme of the formal education system. The OBE Programme explores and makes use of the potentialities of Distance Education Mode (DEM) for reaching the unreached. The Foundation Course of NIOS has been subsumed into the Open Basic Education 9OBE) Programme. There is a provision of separate OBE programme for children and adults. Some significant highlights of OBE programme areas follows:
  • The clientele for Open Basic Education (OBE) programme is:
    • Children below 14 years of age
    • Adults above 14 years of age
  • The OBE Programme is offered at three levels:
    • OBE level A : equivalent to class I-III
    • OBE level B : equivalent to class IV-V
    • OBE level C : equivalent to class VI-VIII
Features of NIOS

1. Freedom To Learn
With a motto to
'reach out and reach all', NIOS follows the principle of freedom to learn i.e., what to learn,
when to learn, how to learn and when to appear in the examination is decided by you. There is no restriction of
time, place and pace of learning.
2. Flexibility
The NIOS provides flexibility with respect to :
Choice of Subjects: You can choose subjects of your choice from the given list keeping in view the

passing criteria.
Admission: You can take admission Online under various streams or through Study Centres at

Secondary and Senior Secondary levels.
Examination: Public Examinations are held twice a year. Nine examination chances are offered in

five years. You can take any examination during this period when you are well prepared and avail the
facility of credit accumulation also.
On Demand Examination: You can also appear in the On-Demand Examination (ODES) of NIOS

at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels at the Headquarter at NOIDA and All Regional Centres as
and when you are ready for the examination after first public examination.
3. Relevance
The NIOS courses and programmes are functional, useful in daily life and also set the pathway for further
studies. Successful alumni of NIOS are pursuing higher studies in IITs, Delhi University, Jamia Hamdard, Jamia Millia Islamia, Aligarh Muslim University, Punjab University, Allahabad University and many other reputed and professional institutions.
4. Transfer of Credits
The NIOS acknowledges previous knowledge by allowing transfer of credits upto two subjects passed from
some of the Boards of Examination / State Open Schools.
5. Recognised Quality Education
The NIOS takes conscious steps to provide quality education. The Govt. of India has vested authority with NIOS to conduct Public Examinations and provide Secondary and Senior Secondary level certificates, which are equivalent to the certificates provided by any other Board.
NIOS is one of the National Boards like CBSE and CISCE.

The National Institute of Open Schooling
  • The largest Open Schooling system in the world.
  •  2.38 million learners have been certified at the Secondary and Senior Secondary and Vocational level since 1990.
  • More than 4,00,000 learners take admission every year.
  • Reaches out through a network of more than 5,813 Study Centres (AIs/AVIs/ AAs) spread all over the country and abroad.
  •  Imparts education through distance mode using a media mix  of self-instructional print materials, audio, video and CD-ROM supported by Personal Contact Programmes at AIs. These are further supplemented by Radio broadcast and T.V. programmes.

Features and Flexibilities in NIOS
Age Limit: There is no upper age limit for admission. However, the minimum age for enrolment is
14 years for Secondary course and 15 years for Senior Secondary course as per information given
in the entry requirements at Table-3.
Choice in Medium of Instructions:
Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi, Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam and Oriya mediums at Secondary
Hindi, English, Urdu mediums at Sr. Secondary stage.
Choice of Subjects: You can choose any subject combination from a list of subjects offered as per
the criteria given in the
Scheme of Studies at Table-I.
If you wish to use NIOS certificate for higher studies, it is in
your own interest that you keep in mind the requirements of
the Boards/Universities you wish to join after passing
Secondary/Senior Secondary course from NIOS. Some Boards
/ Universities require specific subject combinations for
admission to the Institutions affiliated to them as given in the
Appendices A & B. For example, for medical course, various
institutes will expect you to have passed with a combination of
Chemistry, Physics and Biology along with two languages. The
learners who wish to join formal school board in class XI after passing NIOS examination of class
X may opt for subjects combinations (in 5 or 6 subjects as the case may be) which are acceptable
in class XI by such formal school Board,without prejudice to the rights of NIOS.
Additional Subjects : You can also select one or two additional subject(s) either at the time of
admission or during the course of study, if you so desire or if it is required.
Combination of Academic and Vocational Courses : In order to make the NIOS courses more
meaningful, a number of Vocational Courses are also offered in combination with academic subjects
at the Secondary and Senior Secondary level
(Refer Table 2). These Vocational courses have to
be taken in Accredited Vocational Institutions (AVIs). For more details please refer to the Prospectus
for Vocational Courses.
NIOS: A Schooling System
with a Difference
You should think and choose
your subjects carefully
keeping in view your plans
for higher studies, specific
jobs, and requirement of the
concerned Board, etc.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was set up as National Open School in 1989 by the Ministry
of Human Resource Development, Government of India, as an autonomous organisation. It provides educational
opportunities to persons like you who wish to study further and qualify for a better tomorrow. The Mission of
NIOS is to provide education to all with special concern for girls and women, rural youth, working men and
women, SC and ST, differently abled persons and other disadvantaged persons who because of one or other
reason could not continue their education with the formal system. NIOS operates through a network of Sixteen
Regional Centres, Two Sub-Regional Centres and about four thousand Accredited Institutions (AIs) and Accredited
Vocational Institutions (AVIs) commonly known as Study Centres in India, Nepal and Middle East Countries.
For academic courses, admission is through On-line only.

 National Institute of Open Schooling

Continuous Assessment : During your course of study, you will know your progress through

Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).
Flexible Scheme of Admission: You can access NIOS admission through On-line (Ni-On) under

various streams directly or approach a near by Study Centre/Facilitation Centre.
Flexible Scheme of Examination: Public examinations are conducted by NIOS twice a year.

You get nine chances to appear in the public examinations over a period of five years to complete
your courses. However, you can also choose any of the following for getting evaluated and certified:
– Public examination conducted by NIOS twice a year.
– On Demand Examination System (ODES).
– Public examination in some subjects and ODES in other
Credit Accumulation: You can choose to appear in anyone or more subjects in any examination and earn credit which will be accumulated till all five subjects required for certification are successfully completed within a period of 5 years of registration.
Transfer of Credit: You can avail the facility of Transfer of Credit (TOC) to a maximum of two
subjects passed from the selected Boards provided these subjects are also available in NIOS scheme
of studies. TOC is given as per the conditions given in section
Validity of Admission: Your admission is valid for five years. For Public Examination at Secondary

and Senior Secondary level, you may take nine or fewer chances to successfully complete the
course during this period.
Part Admission: Under this scheme, you may take admission in one or more subjects but not more

than four subjects. On passing, you will be issued only the Marksheet.
Education of Disadvantaged Group: To cater to the special needs of people who are physically,

mentally challenged, socially and geographically isolated marginalised and are from disadvantaged
sections such as street children, working children, rural women, the NIOS has special accredited
institutions called Special Accredited Institutions for Education  of the Disadvantaged (SAIED).

More information can be obtained from


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