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Wednesday 5 September 2012

Info Post
phonto (1)
I wasn't to sure about the number 40 when I hit it, but so far it has been the best two years of my life.I have always felt a little bit awkward in my skin and REALLY shy, but when I hit the BIG 40 I kind of BLOSSOMED.(at my teens dismay… but, who doesn't like to embarrass their teens!)The Creation of Beauty
I am not sure WHY or HOW or even WHEN….all I know is that it just happened. I also know that I really like it! I do know that ART and the BLESSING of creating beautiful things has helped me to express myself and help me cope with trials and challenges in my life. 20120904_724
I used Rhonna Design's Instaicons on my iPhone pictures. Super Easy!
I have learnt to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. This only took me 40 years to "not-quite" master this!20100929_81
I find {COLOR} to be so healing and therapeutic! Pencil Shaving layout
Through ART, I have found my own INDIVIDUALITY.
How AWESOME is that!!!
I also have learnt so many amazing things and met so many fantastic people!
That is why I am so thrilled to announce that I will be a part of Rhonna Farrer's Design Team over at Rhonna Designs  for another year! Her and her team are SO INSPIRING and uplifting, So I am really looking forward to this. It is so necessary in this life to surround ourselves with positive and uplifting works, activities and thoughts! I Love Rhonna!
You can see the whole Rhonna Design Team HERE.
Rhonna has a week long party going on so be sure to go and visit!
I also am excited to announce that I have been asked to be a guest designer at Faber-Castell.
You can see all the list of all the guest designers HERE.
I really feel excited and blessed to be part of these and all my teams and work!
Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness. Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make.”
                           ~Bruce Lee
Sometimes we have personal challenges in this world that we have to overcome…that is alright. Just find your way to deal, cope and even grow. You will feel so refreshed. For me I started realizing that when I hit 40 and I am forever growing, but now I enjoy every step of the way!


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