Breaking News
Thursday 18 October 2012

Info Post
This list below recommends ideal fasts for those who are healthy according to their vata, pitta, or kapha constitutions. For those who are unwell, they should follow the fast that matches the dosha that is most disturbed and that is responsible for their health imbalance:

·         Vata considerations for V±ta body types or/and imbalances: 
1.      Fast on orange juice or similar juices  / fruit during regular meal times only; add pepper or similar pungent spices and some lemon juice for additional effect
2.      Fast for 2-3 consecutive meals one day per week only
3.      No snacking; plain (hot) water ok
4.      Consider fasting on Saturday for the pacification of Saturn energy (weakness of muscles, bones, joints, nervous system), Monday for Moon energy (emotional considerations), or Thursday for Mercury energy

·         Pitta considerations for Pitta body types or/and imbalances or for hypoglycemic person:
1.      Fast on pomegranate juice or similar juices / fruit (also try carrot, romaine, celery juices) during regular meal times only; add cilantro or/and lime juice for additional effect
2.      Fast for 3-4 consecutive meals one-two days per week only
3.      No snacking; plain (hot) water ok
4.      Consider fasting on Tuesday for pacification of Mars energy or Sunday for Sun energy.

  • Kapha considerations for Kapha body types or/and imbalances:
1.      Fast on apple juice or similar juices / fruit  (also try carrot, romaine, celery juices) during regular meal times only; add pepper or similar pungent spices for additional effect
2.      Fast for 3-6 consecutive meals one – two days per week only
3.      No snacking; plain (hot) water ok or hot water with 1 tsp raw honey added with 10 drops lemon or lime juice or apple cider vinegar.
4.      Consider fasting on Thursday for pacification of Jupiter energy. 

Some specific Jyotish astrological advice on fasting:  
  • Fast on Monday (day of Shiva and Moon) for mental peace. 
  • For anger or mania (pitta), fast on Tuesday for Mars. 
  • Kapha-Pitta and Kapha-Vata folks should fast on Thursday (for Jupiter). 
  • For depression (kapha) and anxiety (vata), fast on Wednesday (day of pineal gland - Mercury). 
  • Fast on Thursday for prosperity (Lakshmi - Jupiter). 
  • For love and compassion in relationship, more romance, and to build shukra-artava dhatu (male-female reproductive tissue), fast on Friday (Venus). 
  •  For lack of confidence and self-esteem, fast on Sunday


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