Breaking News
Monday 16 July 2012

Info Post
Missing parts check is a stock of material that is already assigned to a GI at the time of GR.
That is a current requirement that could not be covered from the existing stock (shortage or requirement under-coverage situation). As a rule such a missing part by-passes warehouse and, upon receipt is forwarded directly to the point where it is needed. However it is only possible if the enterer and the responsible materials planner are aware of the receipt

Following settings are required to be automatically informed about such under-coverage situation when entering GR;

Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
GR à Missing Parts Check
·         Activate missing parts check for the plant
·         Assign a checking rule to the transaction
·         Specification of detail for control of availability check. Enter checking horizon for missing part check, within checking horizon an email is sent from inventory mgmt to materials planner informing that there has been a GR for missing part check.
·         Assignment of checking rule: At transaction level the missing part check uses same checking rule as availability check. However there is option of maintaining different checking rules at movement type level, which take precedence to transaction code rules.
·         Specification of an email recipient, the system send message to the responsible materials controller.
·         Specification of missing part expeditor, if no id has been maintained for the materials planner, the message is sent to the central missing parts responsible for the plant.

Checking group for the availability check in the material master data (MRP3 view), should be maintained.


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