Breaking News
Saturday 7 July 2012

Info Post
Materials management à Valuation and Account Assignment à Split Valuation à
·               Activate Split Valuation
·               Configure Split Valuation
o      Global Types   (external PO allowed / internal PO allowed / define account category reference).
o      Global Categories ((binding) proposal –mvt type for internal/external procurement, Indicator “determine mvt type automatically, assign types to category (activate).
o      Local definitions (assign categories to org units, change types/categories locally)

The following steps are required;
·               Global definitions of valuation categories, independently of valuation class
·               Global definitions of valuation types, independent of valuation area
·               Assignment of relevant valuation type to the corresponding valuation category
·               Determination of which globally defined valuation categories can be used in valuation area; these are called local definitions.

                            According to                            According to                        According to
Procurement type                    Country of origin                         Quality

Valuation                     P                                              O                                        Q

Valuation         Interna l                                           Italy                                 A / B /C /D
Type               External                                       Switzerland

In the material master accounting view, choose a valuation category for the valuation area, and choose price control.
Every valuation related movement, is executed at the partial stock level, while processing, it is always specified which partial stock will be affected, the other partial stock is not changed.
The total stock also gets updated as well as the partial stocks, the value of total stock is calculated form the total of the stock values and stock quantities of the individual partial stocks.


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