Breaking News
Saturday 7 July 2012

Info Post

1.     Definition

·           Selection variants allow users to save and reuse the selection criteria required to run a SAP report.
·           The option to create selection variants is available in all SAP reports.
·           In order to create background jobs a selection variant must be defined in order for the required selection criteria to be applied to the report.
·           The use of selection variants for regular reports can save time, particular when combined with the use of background jobs.
As standard when selection criteria are saved in a selection variant the values are fixed and reapplied each time the variant is used to run a report. Often this gives the required result (eg when a cost centre report is run for a particular cost centre). However some selection criteria (eg date ranges) need to change each time a report is run. This can be achieved using Selection Variables

2.     Saving a Selection Variant

·           Run a report and enter the required selection criteria.
·           Press the Save button or use Goto>Variants>Save as Variant from the menu system.
·           Enter a variant name and description.
·           Press the Save button

3.        Using a Selection Variant

·           Run a report.
·           Press the Get Variant button or use Goto>Variants>Get 
·           Select the variant from the list by double clicking the required variant.
·           Run the report with the retrieved selection criteria.

4.        Using Selection Variables

·           Run a report and enter the required selection criteria.
·           Press the Save button or use Goto>Variants>Save as Variant from the menu system.
·           Enter a variant name and description.
·           Tick the box "Selection Variant" (fourth from the left) against the field that requires variable selection criteria.
·           Press the "Selection Variables" button
·           Click the amber traffic light in the "D" (date) column, turning the traffic green.
·           Select the required date variable from the drop down list (eg Previous Month).
·           Press the Save button to save the selection variable
·           Press the Save button to save the selection variant 


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