Breaking News
Monday 16 July 2012

Info Post
Hold document: Use this function, if you want to save the document in its current state. When a document is held, the system only performs minimal checks (such as the existence of company code, vendor). An MM invoice document is created, no information is transferred yet to financial accounting, and no updates are made to the PO history.

Park document: You park a document, if some required information for document posting is missing and you do not want to enter the data again. The balance does not have to be zero, an MM invoice document is created and the Po history is updated. Information is transmitted to FI, and the document is listed as a open, parked, vendor item. An FI document number is assigned. This can also be checked against the duplicate entries.

Save document as complete: This option is used if no more changes are to be made to the document, but still don’t want to post the document. While you must be able to post the document, meaning the balance must be zero or small within the allowed tolerance range


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