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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Info Post
Walking is an easy, inexpensive and readily available activity to reduce your body weight. Good Housekeeping magazine reports that one hour of daily walking can burn between 300 and 500 calories. If you are consistent with your walking program for seven to 10 days, you can lose up to half a Kilo gram. You will lose 20-24 Kilo grams  when you walk every day for a year. The American Heart Association recommends walking 10,000 steps every day,
Walking helps you shift your attitude toward health, fitness, and weight loss. Take a year to move through the following 3 steps to make gradual but positive lifestyle changes
Walk to Lose:- In most of the life scenarios losing  causes  sorrow but  when you lose weight you will be very happy.
Step 1:- The first and foremost tip I suggest you to lose weight is  just walk. Just get out there and walk a little. Build a daily habit. Let’s call it being active. Don’t think about target figures,  changing clothes, going to a gym, jumping around for an hour, Just take a short walk to the bus stop, the corner mailbox, or the convenience store for a bottle  of milk. Find ways to add an extra 2,000 steps into your daily routine.

Buy and wear a pedometer to measure your steps. Now a days   all mobiles  have pedometer apps. Some of them are free to down load.
A  pedometer app should provide  counts of  your steps, calories and distance A 20-minute walk is about 120 steps per minute, or 2,400 steps. You can break that up into 3 walks of 800 steps each.

How far you walk or how fast you walk aren't important. It’s simply walking in short spurts most days of the week. Be careful. Once you start paying attention to walking, you’ll want to walk farther.

Goal: You’ll realize you don’t have to hurt to feel better. After a walk, you’ll feel invigorated and happy.

Step 2:- Walk longer, build strength. Start increasing your walking distance, and you’ll begin to see weight loss. During this second phase, increasing distance means increasing time to 45-60 minutes 2 days a week.
You can cover serious distance in an hour of walking and walk even longer on weekends. Build up to a half-day or day-long hike. This increase in duration increases weight loss, burns more calories, and builds strength as you get off the beaten path and hike up and down hills on a challenging course.

Goal: Walk vigorously for a longer period of time twice a week. If you don't see dramatic weight loss, it may be because you are building muscle
Step 3:- Walk faster and seek variety. Speed up your walking and you’ll see total body fitness improvements. A couple days a week, go fast enough to break a sweat and breathe hard. Increase your walking intensity to a fast pace for three minutes during your 60-minute walk. Return your walking pace to a comfortable level for an active recovery
Goal: Walk in a 5K or 10K event such as a corporate cup run/walk, a fund-raising race for the cure, or other organized community activity

After a Year you would see a dramatic improvement in your body fitness.

You can burn more calories with Back Packing . Carry some weight in Back pack to burn more calories.. Reduce sugar and Salt in your diet. If possible replace sugar with honey.  Every day morning have a glass of water  with lemon and Honey.


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