Breaking News
Monday 16 July 2012

Info Post
As a result of planning run, source determination for a material follows the following logic;

1.       Quota arrangement
2.       Source list with mrp indicator
3.       Outline agreement item
4.       Info record

Enhancement LWSUS001 will enable you to replace the SAP source determination logic with customer logic.

W/o material master the logic is as follows;

1.       Outline agreement for a material group
2.       Info record for material group.

A click in the check box of “Regular Vendor” in the info record will make the vendor a preferable vendor and the only source in automatic source determination. In case you want to use vendor from source list with regular vendor clicked on, the system will issue a error message. So use the regular vendor when only info records are maintained.

Activate regular in customizing at the plan level as follows;

Materials Management à Purchasing à Source Determination à Define regular Vendor


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