Breaking News
Monday 16 July 2012

Info Post
Stochastic Block
You can block invoices at random to check them again. If the stochastic block is active and you post an invoice that is not subject to any other blocking reason, it can be randomly selected for blocking.
A stochastic block is not set at item level, but for the whole invoice. If a stochastic block is set when you post the invoice, the system automatically sets an R in the field Payment block in the document header data; there is no blocking indicator in the individual items.
In Customizing for Invoice Verification, you can define:
==If stochastic blocking is active==
The degree of probability of a block. You set a threshold value and a percentage for this.
- If the value of the invoice is larger than or the same as the threshold value, the degree of probability that the invoice will be blocked is that of the percentage.
- If the value of the invoice is smaller than the threshold value, the degree of probability that the invoice will be blocked is calculated proportionally to the percentage.
If, for example, the threshold value is $100 and the percentage 50%, every invoice over $100 would have a 50% chance of being blocked; an invoice for $500 would have a 25% change of being blocked. If you want the degree of probability to be the same for all invoices, you set the threshold value to zero.
If you enter a threshold value of zero and a percentage of 99.9%, all invoices would then be blocked.


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