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Wednesday 18 July 2012

Info Post
Cinnamon is one of the most popular herbs and spices. Though cinnamon oil has numerous health benefits, it often causes irritations and allergic reactions. Therefore people prefer to use cinnamon directly instead of using the oil.
Cinanamon is widely used in India and in Asia. Its a part of their  indigenous medicine ayurveda.
Cinnamon destroys all deep cold in the body. It stimulates  circulation especially in the  lungs
Cinnamon is useful for cold hands and feet, Raynauld's, and to increase circulation in the joint space. Additionally warming and stimulating to the liver and kidney, it effectively pacifies cold Vata and regulates metabolism of fats and sugars in Kapha, helping with type II diabetes and insulin resistance.

A sweet demulcent pre-packaged with pungency, cinnamon bundles numerous qualities of a good
The demulcent quality of cinnamon comes from the sweet taste. It is what makes a hot cinnamon tea thick and slimy. Gargling with cinnamon helps to coat the throat.

Cinnamon is an  oxytocic aphrodisiac. The warming and stimulating qualities of cinnamon flush uterine congestion in  dysmennorhea and aid  amenorrhea . Ironically, cinnamon also helps in  menorrhagia
. The astringent, dry, and  haemostatic qualities of cinnamon prevail to reduce the excess blood flow. Oxytocic herbs can stimulate miscarriages and should not be used during pregnancy. 
Cinnamon stops vomiting. It relieves gas and bad breath by preventing fermentation through two pathways: by stimulating agni and by its anti-microbial qualities. Cinnamon with chalk is useful for diarrhea. Cinnamon's mild astringency is also useful in infant diarrhea from deficiency (vata and kapha type
manda agni ). Its analgesic qualities are useful for toothache.
The health benefits of cinnamon include the following:
Brain Tonic: Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss. cinnamon has the ability to boost brain activity.
Blood Purification: Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.
Blood Circulation: Cinnamon aids in the circulation of blood due to the presence of a blood thinning compound in it. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body cells leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.
Pain: Cinnamon is also anti inflammatory. It helps in removing the stiffness of muscles. It relieves pain and stiffness of muscle and joints. Cinnamon is also recommended for arthritis. It also helps in removing headache that is caused by cold

Diabetes: Cinnamon has the ability to control blood sugar. Diabetics find it very useful as cinnamon aids them in using less insulin. Research has shown that it is particularly very helpful for patients suffering from type2 diabetes. Type2 diabetes patients are not able to use their insulin levels properly.
Infections: Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, it is effective on external as well as internal infections. It helps in destroying germs in the gall bladder and bacteria in staph infections.
Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the healing process.
Heart Diseases: It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provides protection against heart diseases. Including a little cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.
Colon Cancer: It also improves the health of colon and thereby reducing the risk to colon cancer.
Mouth freshener: Cinnamon is used in chewing gums as it is a good mouth freshener and removes bad breath.
Perfumes: It has a refreshing aroma and is extensively used in making perfumes.
Indigestion: Cinnamon is added in many ethnic recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. Due to its carminative properties, it is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is therefore often referred to as a digestive tonic.
Respiratory problems: Cinnamon helps in cold, flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.
Menstruation: Cinnamon is effective in providing relief from menstrual discomfort and cramping.
Birth Control: Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.
Breastfeeding: It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.
Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine. It is also aphrodisiac and is believed to arouse sexual desire.

Weight Loss: Honey and cinnamon: Another useful recipe is cinnamon powder with honey and warm water. Take one tablespoon of cinnamon power, one tablespoon of honey and one cup of warm water, mix the ingredients properly and drink this mixture empty stomach



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